Anyways, after some rejuvenating of my soul (wink wink) I decided to go through some of my older pictures on my computer. Older being last year. I found some of me with a mohawk. Eh, the photo's were mostly lame, but what really got me was a series of videos along with the photos. This videos put me in a really good mood. I took these videos during our P.E. (xblock) class, and it's just my friends and I talking and just bullshitting. Looking at this, I see how happy everyone is. How much fun everyone is having. Not a single negative comment (although there were plenty back then). It just seemed like we were happier then, as opposed to now. What happened? This mainly goes to us seniors. We're slowly drifting apart, we're slowly caring less about each other. I'm always moody and probably bitching about something to someone, or just listening to my iPod really loud. Something has to change. We all need to just have fun. Sit in a circle at lunch, and just shoot the shit man. It's just something we need to bring back. I'm sure it will raise our spirits if anything. We need to have a BBQ at Zach's, we need to go to the movies, we need to spend the night at each others house, we need to play Poker. What the fuck happened? This needs to change. I'm uploading the video's on Facebook, and then I'm going to also post them here.
2:41 AM.
2:42 AM.
I got some DOPE shit. Well, two things. One I cannot show/mention as it's a special present for someone for when she returns from RI. Rachel, that's you. But, the other thing...I love it. Lemme show you.
I need to scan it first.
2:44 AM
2:45 AM.
2:46 AM.
Saved image on comp.
2:47 AM.
Edit picture size.
2:49 AM.
Image uploaded
2:53 AM.

2:55 AM.
2:56 AM.
2:57 AM.
Searching through Video On Demand shit, I do my little Adult Swim on demand check to see if any new Home Movies or Harvey Birdman appear, and then I typically give the remote away. That's the jist of my TV viewing. My mom then takes over and goes to HBO on demand and checks out the movie list. "Oh, they have American Beauty, have you seen that?"
Me:"I've seen the last 5 minutes...but I really want to see it. I've wanted to see it when it first came out in 1999, but I remember you not letting me see it."
Mom: "Well, duh."
Me: "I'll watch it tomorrow."
Tomorrow comes, and I actually do watch the movie.
Holy. Crap.
Pure genius. What a fucking great film. Incredibly human, just...fucking great. Makes you think, could even change your life. I recommend this film to ALL.
After I watched the film I was in a Thora Birch mood, and I watched Ghost World after, one of my favorite movies. Alright, well, I'm adding American Beauty up on that list of "Top Movies."
3:02 AM.
Ok, so for the next blog post I'm going to have a song (Take a Bow), and two videos from the xblock time.
3:03 AM.
Where did you get that CD!?!? I want.
read youre entire blog.
lets watch american beauty together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate using the wrong one.
haha,anyways yesm.
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