Sunday, March 29, 2009


This weekend was fantastic. Saw lots of friends, many of which I have not seen for quite some time, I played some cool video games (Peggle, COD4) and had some good laughs.

Soo, my blog is insanely boring. I'm trying to think of ways to spice it up and give reason for someone to read this. So, I came up with the idea of some segments I could do for my blog. Weekly things or monthly things that are 'fun' and interesting to read. But what to do? Well, I guess I can do a 'funny quote of the week' segment. This would only be quotes I hear in person, so to make them possibly more funny (situationally [that's a word, right?]). Anyways, this was on saturday night/sunday morning:

7 of my friends and I are all crowding around a computer watching about an establishment called Heart Attack Grill. It's located in AZ and I'm pretty much going to have to road trip up there with homies. The food is deep fried, covered with lard, and looks absolutely delicious. They have a burger that's two and a half pounds. In the video it shows a man, over time, completing his two and a half pound burger. He was eating with a knife and fork and the program we were watching just sped it up so it could depict how long it took for him to complete the burger. This brings me to the quote.

Once the man finishes the burger, Jared who is in awe/disgust (I'm not sure), bouldly stated "How can you shove two and a half pounds of meat inside you!?!!!?!?"

4 seconds of awkward silence.

"I can think of about 4 different ways."

Mack and I taught Will, Jennifer, Jared, and Nathan how to play Texas Hold'em Poker. First of all, I was completely shocked at how quickly they all adapted to the game. I was definitely a really shitty first time poker player. Second, I had so much fun. It was a shame they all had to leave at 1 in the morning. THE NIGhT WAS YOUNG! Oh well. At 1:44 Mack and I drove to get some food. In-N-Out, our first stop, was unfortunately closed. So we went to THE DEL. It was a rather poor meal. Mack's casadilla's were really shitty and my burger had an entire whole tomato in it. I ate one slice cause word on the streets is that they're good for you. But I dumped the rest in the bag.


I just realized I left my burger at Mack's house.

Im fat.

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